
Department of Energy Engineering of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

The mision of the department of Energy Engineering is to define the development pathways in energy engineering and to educate students on a way that enables them to solve issues as energy engineers with scientific sophistication through developing responsibility for the future generation. 

The Department of Energy Engineering in its present form was established in 2002, it was directed by Antal Penninger until 2008 and is now followed by Gyula Gróf.

The department offers undergraduate programmes (BSc) in mechanical engineering, energy engineering, mechatronics and product design and postgraduate programmes (MSc) in mechanical engineering, energy engineering and mechanical modelling. It also offers research programmes (PhD) and specialized education in energy production. The department pioneered the establishment of energy engineering education in Hungary and it has been coordinating the education programmes since. It played a key role in introducing the two-level education system as well as in establishing the BSc and MSc courses in energy engineering. 

At the Department of Energy Engineering, research is carried out in the field of systems and machinery, connected with transformation and efficient utilization of energy carriers as well as economic, social and natural processes. We contribute to solving social dimensions of energy challenges through basic research, applied research and experimental development for harmonized and environmental-friendly application of energy sources, in order to provide their competitiveness and supply security.

More information about the Department can be found here.