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Welcome to the website of the 14th International Conference on Heat Engines and Environmental Protection!
The thermodynamic processes, the construction of machines and equipments, the fuel composition and fuel quality have decisive role in the operation of power generation systems and its components and have extremely high impact on the environment. Due to the need of the conservation of the nature and the sustainable development, utilization of the renewable energy resources become one of the major solutions. More and more intensive usage resulted the application of the new systems, new solutions and new constructions for the energy industry. The conservation of the nature and the efficient, secure, economic and social affordable supply of energy is the main task nowadays in energy engineering. These goals can be reached by the harmonized utilization of the renewable and the traditional energy resources.
The aim of the conference, organized on the 14th occasion at new site, is providing a forum for all those who are interested in the announced subjects and means to survey the possibilities, the results and the development trends.